X/Twitter Header Templates

Choose from a wide variety of customizable X/Twitter Header Templates and customize using DocHipo's intuitive drag-and-drop editor.


Browse X/Twitter Header Templates

Our designers have already done the heavy lifting for you. Choose from a wide variety of X/Twitter Header templates that fits your use case and customize in minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use these X/Twitter Header templates?

Choose a template you like, sign up for free if you haven’t signed up yet, and start customizing using DocHipo’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor.

How do I find free X/Twitter Header templates?

Free templates are labeled as “Free” so that you can instantly identify them and start customizing. The premium templates require a Pro edition.

If I download a X/Twitter Header, will it leave a watermark?

No. Once you design a X/Twitter Header inside DocHipo and download the same, we don’t leave any watermark whatsoever, even if you are on the Free plan.

How can I learn more about customizing these X/Twitter Header templates?

The step-by-step DocHipo video tutorials will walk you through how to customize these templates and make them look stunning!

More Resources

calender Last Updated Jun 7, 2024
What is X/Twitter Header All About

With too many brands using X/Twitter as the key channel for engagement these days, you have come up with the right question: What is an X/Twitter header like? More specifically, how can it add more value to your business? What is an X/Twitter Header Cover Image: The main visual on your Twitter profile that creates the first impression. Customer Engagement: Inform followers about new products and updates. Emotional Connection: Use relatable issues or uplifting messages. Business Impact: Essential for B2B companies to stand out on Twitter. Social media always offers many opportunities to hit a goldmine in your business. There...

calender Last Updated Feb 11, 2025
The Perfect X/Twitter Header Size with Examples and Best Practices

If your brand’s X/Twitter profile assets, like the profile picture and header image, follow the wrong dimension or aspect ratio, the visitors will perceive your brand as unprofessional. Perfectly sized headers will make them think you care about your brand and put effort into every minute detail. Many brands and businesses still overlook the importance of a perfect X/Twitter header size and quality. This results in the waste of a remarkable space that could breathe life into your marketing campaigns. Perfect X/Twitter Header Size Recommended X/Twitter header size: 1500 pixels wide by 500 pixels tall X/Twitter header aspect ratio: 3:1...

calender Last Updated Jun 7, 2024
How to Make an X/Twitter Header Design that Attracts Followers

Are you making the most out of your business X/Twitter account? X/Twitter is a microblogging platform that concisely lets you express your thoughts. But how do you capture and express your brand personality to your profile visitors at a glance?  That's where X/Twitter Headers come into the picture. This introduces your visitors to your X/Twitter account and makes them aware of what your profile is all about. It should be visually appealing and effective in increasing your brand awareness. If you are not leveraging this space, make sure you start doing it now.   A plain, uninteresting X/Twitter Header can be...

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